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A C T I O N (Videos)


What types do we use?

Spinning, Shock, Stationary or Rocking

How Long is the Lance? 

11' Long (frangible w/3' Tip)

Featuring Shey our Friesian Gypsy mare and War Horse extraordinaire

We get pumped up smashing lance to "Targe"

one of our favorite things to do! (2019)

Quintain (Spinning):  Training Aid

It's Spins?

Yes, a training aid... Target size maintains 1"-3" strike area,

Lance strikes vary these different quintains react differently,

which makes for good training aids.


This is Shey our Friesian Gypsy mare

My amazing dance partner, ever ready to take on a challenge

2nd year of Medieval performance 2018

Quintain (Rocking):  Training Aid

What Size do you target?

1"-3" size area on Right Side a targe

What are you using?

An 11' lance and a modified Punch/Kick pedestal w/water in base


This is Shey (Friesian Gypsy) a rocket,

in this video shey is 2nd year into  medieval horsemanship Performance 

Cup Race:  What's this?

(Similar to a Spoon Race)


This is Shep (Percheron Andalusian x)

he's an amazing boy, not mine...

but I seldom pass up an opportunity gifted 2016

RINGS:  What Size rings do you target?

1" - 3" targets typically

Are these lances different?

Yes, these are 1 1/4" dia. tapered tip ​



This is Shep (Percheron Andalusian X)

not my warhorse... and my 1st time Riding him in show.

such a character and joy to ride 2016 

cudgel:  A Hard baton 2"-4" dia.

What Size rings do you target?

1"-3" targets typically


*most use apples, they "splat" well*

**The Issue: They "Splat" too well**

(Apple Juice & Armour don't pair well)

Pig Sticking:  Training Aid

What  kind of Spear?

6' 1-1/4" dia. dowel w/spear tip

target is running, but could also be stationary.

Burlap bags filled, or foam formed both work well,

foam can be made appear more realistic.


Shey (Friesian Gypsy mare)

1st Medieval Performance 2016


Our KV logo designed in 2000 by my father in law

Thanks for submitting!


North Idaho and beyond


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Weekdays: Monday - Thurs 8am-8pm

Weekends: By appointment only

FACEBOOK:  KnightlyVenturesAME

INSTAGRAM  @KnightlyVentures

Our AME logo designed by my father in law (2000)
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