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​We appreciate all things medieval, (Early-High-Late Middle Ages) the 1000 years after the Roman Empire.  

Our Passion is Renaissance, the transition from middles ages to modernity covering the 14th - 15th - 16th centuries.​

We provide Immersive Experiences

Entertaining & Engaging Performances & Demonstrations

Classes & Clinics Show & Sport Support


Our Services

Home Encampment Medieval Living
Encampment Spokane Renaissance Faire 2024

'A Medieval Experience' where you are our stars!

Have you ever wanted to feel the sensation of becoming a knight in shining armor, experiencing the world as the defenders of old did?

Visit our "Knightly Ventures' encampment, get in armor and get medieval!

Look for the Dark milled wooden encampment, posed & candid photos will capture your medieval moments

(Photos below are of A.M.E. in action at Spokane Renaissance Faire 2024)

Immersive, Engaging and Entertaining

Renaissance Faires ~ Fantasy Faires ~ Special Event

Birthdays ~ Weddings ~ Reunions ~ Retreats ~ Corporate ~ Schools ~ Charities

And so much more... Private through Groups of all sizes

'A Medieval Experience' Ladies Medieval Monotony Breaker with Fireside Feast

The Ladies gathering... Getting in armor and getting medieval Dec 2024

(Photos below are of A.M.E. in action at our home encampment)

Our medieval encampment & furniture
Our medieval encampment & warponies
Our medieval encampment & furniture

We are often asked: "Where did you get your wood castle encampments & furniture"?
We skidded fallen pine trees in with our warhorses and threw them in our sawmill, milled hundreds of boards and then burnt them all to aid in preservation.
We personally design and build our wooden castles, encampments & furniture. A labor of love to share this amazing experience with others.


Sharing video of one of the ways we Introduce our Horses to Armor.
Thor our young Friesian Andalusian gelding exploring,
our armor is 12g to 16g steel
(No armor harmed in the making of this video ; )

Equestrian Arts

​Modern & Historical

 Horse Training & Conditioning ~ Riding Lessons & Coaching

Jousting (Historical & Theatrical)

Mounted Skills at Arms

Squiring: Knight & Warhorse 

Horse Show & Sport Support

Clinics & Demonstrations

for all skill levels, ages and Disciplines


We believe in building foundation and fun too,

develop your skills in a positive and engaging environment.

Beginner to Advanced, Foal to Finish.... We have something for you​​

Horses must be

in good Health & condition


please have current

coggins & health certs


Fractious Horses & Humans

will be Tail ribboned & delt with patiently


Please... No pets without permission


For Sale Gallery

Western Endurance Saddle (For Sale)

Western Endurance

Stubben Saddle (For Sale)

Stubben English

Stubben Saddle (For Sale)

Rossi & Caruso English

Glass furnace for sale

Box Furnace & Controller

All of these Saddles come with Stirrups, Leathers and a Cinch (the Western Endurance will have its original leathers and stirrups)
If you're needing a pad we have a few to choose from that we can throw in as well.


Our KV logo designed in 2000 by my father in law

Thanks for submitting!


North Idaho and beyond


©2024 by Knightly Ventures Webmistress

Proudly created with

All Rights Reserved


Weekdays: Monday - Thurs 8am-8pm

Weekends: By appointment only

FACEBOOK:  KnightlyVenturesAME

INSTAGRAM  @KnightlyVentures

Our AME logo designed by my father in law (2000)
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